Jesse's Trip of a Lifetime
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Jesse left Tahlequah about 4:30 p.m. in sunny, hot conditions, high 90’s. Arrived in Elyria, KS, at his Mom’s home about 10:00 p.m. (After he left, I tried to complete the mowing that needed to be done, but, got down in the field, and realized I had a flat tire on the front left. Had to abandon the effort for the night. Did some laundry, cleaned out the garage.)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
HE'S HOME!! Got home about 8:30 p.m. tonight, after visiting with his brothers, sister, & Mom. Bad news, though. Unfortunately, after driving over 10,000 miles, he had a minor accident........yes, he fell over in his Mommy's driveway~!!! All the family came out to watch him drive away, and, yes, the big man dropped the bike in the driveway! All is well....his little sister helped him pick it up, and he was off to Oklahoma! Thanks everyone, for the interest....and, especially for the prayers on his behalf. It truely was the "trip of a lifetime" and we are grateful for this amazing opportunity. Friday, August 13, 2010
Jesse drove from North Platt, Nebraska, to his mother's home in McPherson, Kansas. He says that he got into the worst weather of the entire trip between Salina, Kansas, and McPherson, when he hit a storm with heavy rain and high winds that nearly blew him & the bike off the road! Arrived at his Mom's house drenched because he did not want to stop & get out all the rain gear so close to his Mom's home. He did laundry, visited with his Mom, brother, Lainey, and sister, Virginia, and then went to see Fred Neufelt to tell some of the stories of the trip! Welcome to the Mid-West, darling!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Jesse drove about 500 miles today from Sheridan, WY, to North Platte, Nebraska, and he is back in the warm weather and high wind. He got stung by a bee under his arm, while riding the motorcycle at 75 MPH! Pulled out a big stinger, and says it is just sore tonight! He was trying to find a campground, but there is a big angry, black cloud in the west, so he elected to splurge tonight and stay at Motel 6! Still a lot of bikers on the highway, riding home from Sturgis. He expects to be back in McPherson, KS, tomorrow evening. Still in for a surprise when he hits the scorching heat here in the midwest!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Spending Wednesday in Sheridan, Wyoming, staying at the same campground he stayed in on his way north several weeks ago. The campground is on Interstate 90....which is not full of motorcycles going home from Sturgis Week, so the campground is pretty full. He rode over 400 miles today, and the temperature hit 89 degrees in Billings, and he took his motorcycle jacket off for the 1st time in a couple weeks! Of course, it was 104 here again today, so I told him to pack that jacket away!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Glacier National Park
Current news stories tell that the escaped prisoners from the Arizona Prison who are suspected of killing people along their journey, are suspected to be near Glacier National Park. I asked Jess about the story, and he said that nearly everyone has a story about "a sighting" of the pair. He is staying in Shelby, Montana tonight, at "A Little Old Lady" motel, and she had a story that they were sighted at the gas station next door! The trip through this part of Montana was through wheat fields, where farmers are harvesting the wheat crop. Long stretches of nothing, he says!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Canadian Rockies, Jasper National Park
Drove from Jasper to Ft. Steele, British Columbia today, through the spectacular Canadian Rockies! It was cloudy, and threatened rain much of the day, with temperatures in the 50's. He was really impressed with how sharp & jagged the Canadian Rockies are, as compared to the Colorado Rockies. He saw the Glaciers and ice fields in the park, as well as bears.Glacier in Jasper National Park
Fairmont Chateau, Lake Louise, Alberta Canada
After leaving Lake Louise, he traveled on to Ft. Steele, British Columbia, where he stayed at a campground for the night. He met 3 motorcycle riders from Saskatchewan, Canada, out on a long weekend ride & campout. They had a big fire going at their campsite, and invited Jesse to join them for steak dinner....of course, he joined right in! They all sat around, telling stories, and visiting until 2 a.m. Jesse says he was trying to teach them to talk "Okie", but could not fully succeed. Finally, one of the guys said, "Ya'all, bring some wood, eh?"
Ft. Steele Campground, Canada
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Grande Prairie, Alberta
Staying South of Jasper Park, after driving from Dawson Creek today. Early in the day, just south of Grand Prairie, Alberta, he came upon a very bad accident. A mini van had swerved in front of a fuel tanker, and the traffic was stopped for about an hour, waiting on the helicopter to take the injured from the wreck. He drove through cool temperatures, clouds and a little rain, with temperatures in the low 60's. (of course, it is 104 degrees here in Tahlequah) He said that Grand Prairie was a very new, modern busy town, with lots of the usual big town stores....then, he drove 100 miles before getting to a gas station!! During the day, he saw elk and caribou, along the road. Heading toward the Jasper Park, down Icefield Parkway, and on toward the USA Border tomorrow.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Liard Hot Springs Campground [Friday night]
Have not heard from Jesse since he called from Whitehorse on Thursday afternoon. He called tonight to tell me he is in Dawson Creek, B.C. getting ready to set up his tent at the campground there. He stayed at Liard Hot Springs Lodge Campground on Friday night, and drove through rain, fog and poor visability today. The poor visibility added to the 'joy' of road construction and the bike is covered with mud. He saw three carribou today, and rode through a heard of 50-60 buffalo, who come to eat in the grassy areas along the Al-Can Highway. Some were even sleeping in the road! When I asked about other bikers on the highway, he said he had played 'leap-frog' all day with "a couple of Harley Chicks"! He saw the 2 'ladies' riding their Harleys on the road, spoke to them at a gas station, and was horrified that they somehow passed him up.."they had to be flying because I was going pretty fast"! He says he believes he can keep ahead of them "because my gas tank is bigger and they have to stop at every gas station.....and, I can pee faster than they can!" Starting to sound like 'Cannon Ball Run'! He was very impressed with the Emerald waters of Mucho Lake [will attach a picture of the lake], and talked to a father & daughter from Montreal, who had ridden in a canoe down the Yukon River for the last 10 days. Very isolated area, and they had gotten a little uneasy because it was so remote...the only thing they saw were the bears in the river!
Muncho Lake, British Columbia
Bison near Dawson Creek
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Johnson's Bridge near Johnson's Crossing, Yukon Territory
Jesse called me from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. Trying to get to Johnson's Crossing to camp for the night. Really rough roads between the Alaskan Border & Whitehorse. No wildlife sightings. Only multiple signs "Caribou Crossing".. "Moose Crossing"... "Wild Horse Crossing" get the picture. Cool today, but good weather. Not much traffic. He met a Father & Son, who had traveled from San Francisco on motorcycles--a 1970 something BSA and a 1938 Indian! (OK, I'm sure I didn't get that quite correct, but I think I'm close) One of them had Antlers tied to the back of the bike--headed home to California! We will have pictures to post when Jess gets home....along with more stories, I'm certain.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Road near Sutton, AK
Jesse stay in Sutton, Alaska, Tuesday Night, and got up to cool temperatures. Saw Victory Bible Camp, where our friend, Micah, has been working as he headed east. He called me from Tok in the late afternoon, and wanted to keep riding for a while, reminding me that it does not get dark until after midnight. He made it across the border into Yukon, Territory, and stayed in a campground east of the border.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kenai River
Tuesday, August 2, 2010: After camping Monday night in a campground south of Anchorage, Jesse drove down the Kenai Peninsula to see his niece and her family, Brandy & Roger Koppes, who moved to Alaska in June. Brandy is the daughter of Jesse’s brother, Bob, and she is a beautiful young woman and mother of four. The trip from his campground near Anchorage was about 150 miles, and took Jess over a clear, beautiful river where everyone was fly-fishing. (Yes, Bill Myers, he thought of you!) When I spoke with him about mid-day, he was walking on the shore of the ocean inlet (the Cook Inlet?) with Roger and family in 50 degree weather, while I am here in Tahlequah where it was 106 degrees today! Glad he is with family, safe & sound in a home tonight in an area that is known for “bear-watching”!Kenai Pennisula
Monday, August 2, 2010
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Wal-Mike's in Trapper Creek Alaska |
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010: On Saturday, Jesse drove from Burwash, Yukon, to Nenana, Alaska, a trip of about 470 miles! Nenana Alaska is located at mile 305 of the Parks Highway. This historic community / Athabascan Native Village is 56 miles from Fairbanks and 75 miles north of Denali National Park. Interestingly, when I ‘googled’ this town, I learned about some of the businesses, such as the “Two Choice Café” and the “Bed and Maybe Breakfast”—speaks volumes about the possibilities in the remote areas of Alaska! Jess was awakened during the night in his tent, by the howling of wolves and then dogs in the area!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Jesse just called (5 p.m.) from Tok, Alaska, Visitor Center. He says that on Thursday evening, he & his friend, Wayne, took some part off the bike to try to make it work better. He was having trouble starting the bike, and thought some copper points might need to be cleaned. Both guys worked on it, but had problems getting it back together. They were both tired & Jesse told Wayne to go ahead on the early AM Ferry without him, since he was on a schedule & needed to get to Fairbanks. Jess got up on Friday AM, and got the bike fixed without any problem and it is running well. He took the highway back to Whitehorse, and then back on the Al-Can highway toward Alaska. He spent Friday night in Burwash Junction at the Burwash Landing Resort. [found these pictures of Burwash Landing, Yukon]
He called me from the Tok Visitor Center [found a picture of this, too] and, may try to go ahead toward Fairbanks this evening (about 200 miles). He needs a new front tire, but the motorcycle stores are closed on Sunday & Monday. He may go to Fairbanks, then tomorrow do the Denali Highway, and head to Anchorage. Probably will be at Brandy & Roger’s home in Kenai, south of Anchorage, on Monday, and then back to Anchorage to get the tire before starting back. He is happy, feels good, and says the bike is running well. He has slept very well in his tent, and says the weather is good with temps in the 60’s. A few drops of rain, but nothing that would slow him down.
Today, he rode from Burwash, where he encountered very rough roads & frost heaves until he crossed the border into Alaska. Then, he hit road construction, gravel roads, and pilot cars to lead he through the construction zones.
He called me from the Tok Visitor Center [found a picture of this, too] and, may try to go ahead toward Fairbanks this evening (about 200 miles). He needs a new front tire, but the motorcycle stores are closed on Sunday & Monday. He may go to Fairbanks, then tomorrow do the Denali Highway, and head to Anchorage. Probably will be at Brandy & Roger’s home in Kenai, south of Anchorage, on Monday, and then back to Anchorage to get the tire before starting back. He is happy, feels good, and says the bike is running well. He has slept very well in his tent, and says the weather is good with temps in the 60’s. A few drops of rain, but nothing that would slow him down.
Friday, July 30, 2010
No word from the traveler tonight. I'm thinking he is back in the is still over 900 miles from Haines (where he went on the ferry this morning) to Anchorage. He was still with his traveling buddy, and they were doing well.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Called tonight from Skagway, AK, where he is camping. Guess one night sharing a room with the snoring Jesse was all that Wayne could take, and he got a motel room by himself tonight! Anyway, Jesse is doing laundry, too, so he is busy! Says that he has seen more gorgeous mountains, glaciers, crystal clear streams & lakes. Enjoyed Skagway, where the big cruise ships come in & all the people get off to see the town. Planning on taking the Ferry in the morning to Haines, AK. Camped next to an 80 y/o man, who walks all over the world. He has walked across So. America, across Australia, Malaysia, and now he started in Los Angeles and is in Skagway, Alaska, camping!! He also met a young couple from Spain, who are riding bicycles across Alaska. They have been on the road for 3 weeks, from Anchorage to Skagway, camping along the way. He says he has seen a lot of people on bicycles, MILES away from any civilization… he asked them about bears, but the couple said they have had a great time!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
FINALLY! About 11:00 a.m., Jesse called me!! He bought a phone card & called from Watson Lake. I guess on Monday AM, he met “Wayne” at the gas station. Wayne is on a BMW F800 GS Bike, and Jess had seen him on the road. They visited some about the trip, and it turns out that Wayne is from Downey, CA, and is driving alone to Fairbanks. Wayne is described as a “young guy…oh, probably in his 40’s”! He is a computer engineer, equipped with a Satellite Phone & a Satellite/GPS tracking system, and is being ‘watched’ by about 15 people. It was decided that they would travel together, and they took off on Monday together, and will probably continue together to Fairbanks. They decided to take a western road to Hyder, Alaska and Stewart, B.C., where they saw glaciers, some bears {Jesse saw 2 bears & Wayne saw 1 Grizzly}, beautiful, clear lakes & streams, and just spectacular scenery. Not quite sure where they stayed on Monday night, but spent Tuesday night in Watson Lake. Planning to drive to Whitehorse, Yukon, today. Wayne stayed in the hotel Tuesday night, while Jesse stayed at an RV park in town. He says he is sleeping well, staying plenty warm, and really is having no problems. The bike continues to run well, and the weather is great with blue, clear skies. Tonight, he called again, this time from Whitehorse, where he and Wayne will share a hotel room. Good day of riding, shorter distance today. He admits yesterday was a pretty hard day of riding, but says that Wayne is a good rider, and they are both glad they are travelling together. Long, isolated stretches of road, with pretty sparse traffic. Beginning to see some gravel areas on the pavement, but no real road problems yet. They have now decided to drive to Skagway, AK, tomorrow, which looks to be about 75 miles. Now, Jesse thinks he may go to Fairbanks 1st, and then drop down to visit Brandy in Kenai. Still a long ways to go! So far, no problems with getting between gas stations.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Another day with no phone call….as close as I can figure, he was trying to get to Watson Lake yesterday…..looks like it is still 1000 miles from Watson Lake to Anchorage, and pretty rural setting. I sent an email message to Bonnie Burchett who drove from Tahlequah to Fairbanks in May, and she said there was an area on the Al-Can Highway without cell coverage…said she went 3 days without being able to speak with her family. She finally found a hotel with internet, and sent an email message to her family. I am in trouble, as Jesse does not email, and has no idea what my email address is! Kristy is pretty concerned, but, really I have peace that all is well.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Well, this is the 1st day I have not had a phone call from Jesse. When I call his phone, it goes straight to voicemail. Tried several times, and the same thing happens, so he is probably somewhere without cell phone coverage. Just have to hand him over to God’s protection!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Jess just called & he is west of Prince George, B.C., travelling on Trans-Canadian HWY 16, and camped at Vanderhoof, BC, tonight. Drove about 500 miles today & all is well. No wild-life stories, except he saw his 1st "Bear Crossing" sign! Lots of beautiful lakes, lots of people travelling. And, he does not speak "Canadian” and is trying to teach them to say “Y-all”! Bike is running well.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Stayed put at the Rally site in Lumby today, and says he didn’t ride anywhere today. Slept well in his tent by the stream, rested & spent the day visiting with guys from all over, including a man from Pennsylvania, who has already ridden the Alaska trip. He gave Jess a few pointers about the trip, and encouraged him about the trip. Planning to leave for Prince George in the AM, as the Rally ends. Warm, clear weather today.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Contacted Jess about 11 p.m. and he is safely in Lumby, BC. Made it through customs without too much problem. They kept asking him if he had a gun, and he kept telling them he did not. They searched his bike & asked him if he had guns at home. He said, “Yes”, and the officer said, “So, did you bring them with you?”, and Jess had to tell him again that he did not have a gun. Exchanged his $$ for Canadian, and drove on to Lumby (quite a long trip). He is camped by a stream, had dinner at the rally (BBQ Ribs, chicken, etc), and is visiting with several guys from all over. Sounds happy & healthy! Says that he saw deer and a coyote today. Yesterday, in Idaho, he saw a wolf & thought it would run away as he went by, but it actually chased him! Already worried about having enough $$, as gasoline is now over $4 a gallon. Says “I’m not worried about being able to ride the entire trip…I’m worried about having enough money to make the whole trip!” Rode past Kalamalka Clear Waters Lake near Vernon, B.C., and says it is beautiful with a lot of boats, ski jumps, and people water skiing.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Took Highway 12 from Missoula, MT, across Idaho, through the Bitteroot Mountains, past clear trout streams. Saw fly-fishing, and stood on top of the hill, looked down into the river & saw the trout swimming! Described it as one of the most beautiful rides he has ever taken! Some high winds, temps in the mid-70’s to 80’s. Came upon stopped traffic, rounding a mountain curve. Found a Goldwing Rider down in the middle of the highway, with CPR in progress. Maybe a heart attack? Trying to get north of Spokane, WA, tonight, and hopes to get into Canada to the Norton Rally tomorrow. Spent the night at Chewelah, WA, in a “Mom & Pop” motel.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Today Jesse rode from Sheridan, Wyoming to Missoula, Montana, a trip of 470 miles, according to the Rand McNally Atlas. However, he says the ‘side trip’ to the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument added several more miles to the trip. He appreciated the history he saw, and learned a lot about Custer’s Last Stand. Wanted to camp again tonight, but lightening in the area helped him decide on a motel! Drove through more wind, skirted storms, had a little rain, and is mostly aggravated that he has to climb 3 flights of stairs at the motel with all his baggage! Sounds like he might benefit from a good night’s sleep!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Jesse left Cheyenne, Wyoming, and drove on I-25 to Sheridan, Wyoming, for the night. Says it was cool enough that he wore his jacket all day! Long drive, with not much scenery from the interstate, but he can see the snowcapped Bighorn Mountains in the West. Stayed at the KOA campground, and set up his tent for the 1st time….says it will go much faster next time! Drove 190 miles on 3 ½ gallons of gas today! (Came home, let Sam out, and then drove to Burnt Cabin to go out with Bill, Patty, Katelyn, Terry & Ellen on the boat. Had dinner at Sixshooter, then back to the marina to swim in the dark & visit a little. Home about 10:30 p.m…….yawn!)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Left Elyria about 7 a.m., driving north through Downs, KS, where his grandparents lived. Went by Grandpa’s farm in Downs. On to Phillipsburg, where he drove past his grade school. Had a $7 “all you can eat” BBQ Rib lunch. Called Roberta about 5:30 p.m. CST from Sidney, Nebraska, where he had stopped at Cabello’s. Says the temperature is cooler today, probably staying just under 90 degrees; some dark clouds, but no lightening. Took Interstate 80 and planning to turn north on I-25 tomorrow. Drove on to Cheyenne, Wyoming, where he stayed in a downtown motel, and ate a Hogie Sandwich for dinner. (After work, I came home, had fried green tomatoes, yellow squash, fresh corn for dinner. Cleaned the kitchen, watched TV, answered email/Facebook, and off to bed about 10.)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bob Jones helped Jesse get some backpacking equipment, including a down sleeping pad, small cooking stove/fuel, and cooking pan for the trip. Jesse repacked some of the supplies to even out the weight distribution, and use the more-efficient bungie straps to secure the supplies on the bike. About the hottest day of the year, so he decided to stay one more night in Elyria. Visited with his Mom, Lainey, Bob, and Virginia. (I had lunch after church with Susie Robbins at Chelango’s. Then, Mark Dressler came over & aired up the tires on the lawnmower, cleaned out the accumulated grass, and helped me get it going. Finished all the mowing in nearly 100 degree sunshine! )
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Jesse got a new ignition switch for the V-Strom, and immediately started taking the bike apart to install the new piece. In order to get it installed, he had to take off quite a bit of the bike. On Thursday, we drove to Berryville, AR, to attend Red Davidson’s funeral, so he really could not work on the bike much that day. Friday, he was able to get it all completed, and we worked to get all the last minute things completed: notify the credit card companies, verify health insurance & motorcycle insurance in Canada, obtain traveler’s checks/cash, start the final packing process. Saturday morning, we packed all the clothes in ziplock bags, carefully labeled, so that finding stuff might be easier. Loaded clothing, a few food supplies, water, tent, sleeping bag & pad, maps, Milepost, camera, Passport, Emergency contact numbers, phone/camera chargers, tools, etc. Had to make a trip to town to get better bungie straps to hold the tent, sleeping bag, and pads on the passenger seat. He finally left about 4 p.m. and it was hard to watch him drive down our road and turn out of site...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Left Tahlequah about 4:30 p.m. in sunny, hot conditions, high 90’s. Arrived in Elyria, KS, at his Mom’s home about 10:00 p.m. (After he left, I tried to complete the mowing that needed to be done, but, got down in the field, and realized I had a flat tire on the front left. Had to abandon the effort for the night. Did some laundry, cleaned out the garage.)
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